About Us

Our Mission

Serve the Santa Cruz community

Our mission is to serve and educates the collective needs of Santa Cruz residents regarding the Islamic faith; offering Islamic activities, seminars, workshops, and study circles; and promoting cooperation and understanding between Muslim residents and the greater community.


The Islamic Center of Santa Cruz (ICSC) was established in 1996 as a nonprofit 501-c3, non-political, religious, charitable, cultural, and educational organization.

The ICSC recognizes Islam as a total way of life in observation of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and pledge to practice as such:  

  • To live a middle path of spirituality in harmony with the surrounding culture

  • To embrace diversity of humanity, promote participation by all without prejudice, recognize other faiths and building relations with all

  • To encourage civic participation, cooperation, enjoining actions of benefit and discourages actions of harm

  • To uphold the highest civic sense and responsibility in our community and to strive to work for the benefit of all

The Santa Cruz Muslim community continues to grow with an annual increase in Muslim students from UCSC and visiting tourists.  ICSC was located in Capitola, Santa Cruz from 1996-2012.  By 2012 the ICSC had collected and saved enough community donations to enable the purchase of its first owned building on 17th Avenue.

Mosque Staff

President: Munaf Sheick

Secretary: Cindy Fabry

Treasurer: Shakeel J.

Facility Manager: Abdellatif Naciri

Outreach Director: Suhail Qawasmeh

Communications: Sawsan Karssli


Our Bylaws